mercoledì 7 gennaio 2015

Hifi Pig Magazine (Arretrati)

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Ultimo Aggiornamento: 7 Gennaio 2015

At Hifi Pig we snoofle out the latest hifi and audio news so you don't have to. We'll include news of the latest shows and the latest hifi and audiophile audio product releases from around the world.

If you are an audiophile addict, hi fi Junkie, or just have a passing interest in hifi and audio then you are in the right place.
We review loudspeakers, turntables, arms and cartridges, CD players, amplifiers and pre-amplifiers, phono stages, DACs, Headphones, hifi cables and audiophile accessories. If you think there's something we need to review then let us know and we'll do our best! Our reviews will help you choose what hi fi is the best hifi for you and help you decide which hifi is best to avoid. We understand that taste hifi systems and music is personal and we strongly suggest you visit your hifi dealer and request a home demonstration if possible.

Our reviewers are all hifi enthusiasts and audiophiles with a great deal of experience in a wide range of audio, hi fi, and audiophile products. Of course hifi reviews can only go so far and we know that choosing what hifi to buy can be a difficult, not to mention expensive decision and that's why our hi fi reviews aim to be as informative as possible.

As well as hifi reviews, we also pass comment on aspects of the hifi industry, the audiophile hobby and audio in general. These comments will sometimes be contentious and thought provoking, but we will always try to present our views on hifi and hi fi audio in a balanced and fair manner. You can also give your views on these pages so get stuck in!

Of course your hi fi system (including the best loudspeakers, audiophile cd player, hifi amplifiers, hi fi turntable and what not) is useless unless you have music to play on it - that's what a hifi system is for after all. You'll find our music reviews wide and varied, covering almost every genre of music you can think of.

1414 (Arretrati)

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Ultimo Aggiornamento: 7 Gennaio 2015

La Rega assicura il soccorso aereo medicalizzato, veloce e professionale e aiuta le persone in situazioni d’emergenza. A tale scopo si serve di mezzi di trasporto di punta quali elicotteri ed aeroambulanze medicalizzati. La Rega occupa collaboratrici e collaboratori esperti.

La Rega opera secondo le urgenze mediche e si mette al servizio del paziente. Si tratta di una fondazione privata di utilità pubblica, che opera in modo indipendente dallo Stato e da interessi finanziari. La Rega salva e soccorre senza giudicare chi era dalla parte del torto o del diritto e non attribuisce colpe.
La Rega si basa sul sostegno delle sue sostenitrici e dei suoi sostenitori. Per ringraziarli può condonare loro i costi d’un intervento qualora questi non fossero coperti dalla cassa malattia o dall’assicurazione contro gli infortuni.


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